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LexForti Legal News Network

Theory of Social Contract and Right to Recall – The blunder of the Indian Constitution

Daniyal Qureshi | Symbiosis Law School Pune | 8th July 2020 “WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA” the opening words of the most historic period of the Indian people; the first…

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

Right to life includes Right to Livelihood

KARTHIK.T | SASTRA DEEMED TO BE UNIVERSITY THANJAVUR | 8th July 2020 Olga Tellis Vs Bombay Municipal Corporation FACTS: This case is popularly known as pavement dwellers' case. The fact…

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645 387 LexForti Legal News Network

Arnab Goswami’s Case was listed urgently as it pertained to the Liberty and Freedom of Media – SC

Pranjal Sharma | Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad | 8th July 2020

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42nd amendment in the Constitution was void

Barathkumar K M | Sastra Deemed to be University Thanjavur | 8th July 2020 Minerva Mills Ltd. & Ors Vs Union of India & Ors Facts: The petitioner (Minerva Mills) was…

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460 259 LexForti Legal News Network

Beyond Border Standoffs, Brewing Indo-China “ Water” Disputes and The New National Security Agenda

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

National Debate Competition by Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS): 25th July

Competition Brief “वादेवादेजायतेतत्त्वबोधः” National Debate Competition (Truth is discovered and assimilated or realized by debates and discussions) - Ancient Indian Philosophy of Vadashastra. With the advancement in Information and Communications…

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

GNLU’s Webinar on COVID 19 Pandemic: Law Enforcement Challenges; Register Now! [11th July 2020]

About GNLU Gujarat National Law University is a National Law University established under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003 in the state of Gujarat. The university is located at…

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

An offer must be one capable of creating legal relationship between the parties

Karthik.T | Sastra Deemed University Thanjavur | 7th July 2020 Simpkins Vs Pays FACTS: The plaintiff was living in the defendant’s house as a lodger for a year. He almost became a…

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

PIL Filed By An Unregistered Body Is Not Maintainable

Kandeep Shravan | SASTRA Deemed to be University | 7th July 2020 Prathyasa Mental Health Counselling Forum Vs. State Of Kerala Facts: The petitioner, being a non-registered establishment filed a…

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460 259 LexForti Legal News Network

Important Judgements on Patent Right Infringement

Saptaswara Chakraborty| North Eastern Hill University| 6th July 2020 Introduction Having patents gives the holder an exclusive right over the invention rendering him to enjoy the monopoly along with its…

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

A government notifications which is issued in the light of public interest can not be struck by the doctrine of promissory estoppel

Rida Farid Bazmi | Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad | 6th July 2020 Union of India and Another v M/s V V F Limited and Another (2020 SCC Online SC 378) Facts:   In…

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460 259 LexForti Legal News Network

Doctrine of Part Performance

Prachurya Sahu | Symbiosis Law School, Pune In all agreements involving the transfer of property, the transferor and the transferee need to mutually agree to the transfer for a decided…

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460 259 LexForti Legal News Network

NGOs Fall Under The Purview Of Public Authority

Kandeep Shravan | SASTRA Deemed to be University | 6th July 2020 D.A.V. College Trust and Management Society Vs. Director of Public Instructions Facts: The Appellant runs multiple colleges and…

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460 259 LexForti Legal News Network

Types of Transfers governed by the Transfer of Property Act

Prachurya Sahu | Symbiosis Law School, Pune. Introduction The Transfer of Property Act of 1882 is the overarching legislation which governs the transfer of property, both movable and immovable. Chapter…

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460 259 LexForti Legal News Network

An offer lapses when it is rejeted or a counter offer is made

Karthik.T | Sastra Deemed University Thanjavur | 6th July 2020 Hyde Vs Wrench FACTS: In this case, the defendant made an offer to the plaintiff that he is going to…

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

Parsi Woman who married a Non-Parsi man is also entitled to enter into the tower of silence

Barathkumar K M | Sastra Deemed to be University Thanjavur | 6th July 2020 Goolrokh Gupta Vs Burjor Pardiwala Facts: The petitioner was a Parsi woman; she was married to a…

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460 259 LexForti Legal News Network

1st MIT-WPU National Virtual Moot Court Competition [8th-9th August]


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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

Gift under The Transfer of Property Act

Prachurya Sahu | Symbiosis Law School, Pune Introduction The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 governs 5 different types of transactions within the meaning of a “transfer”, namely sale, mortgage, lease,…

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460 259 LexForti Legal News Network

Understanding Therapeutic Cloning: Benefits, Issues and Legal Framework

Nishtha Pant INTRODUCTION Biotechnology is a major breakthrough and revolutionary concept in the present world. In order to get an insight into the field of biotechnology, it is of paramount…

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

Meaning of an anticipation of invention and what it constitutes in India

Saptaswara Chakraborty| North Eastern Hill University| 5th July 2020  Introduction Any invention that claims for a patent can only acquire so if it is found that such an invention has…

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

Whether refusal of singing National Anthem is violative of Fundamental Duties of the Indian Constitution

Karthik.T | Sastra Deemed University Thanjavur | 5th July 2020 Bijoe Emmanual Vs State Of Kerala FACTS: This case is also known as the National Anthem case. In this case,…

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

Set off and Carry Forward of Losses

Shreya Srivastava | Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad | 5th July 2020 Set-Off  Set off of losses implies altering the misfortunes against the benefit or pay of that specific year. Misfortunes…

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460 259 LexForti Legal News Network

The Karnataka HC Expunges Controversial and Misogynistic Remarks About Women’s Conduct From a Bail Order In a Rape Case

Pranjal Sharma | Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad | 5th July 2020 Sri Rakesh B Verses State of Karnataka In the present case accused was the employer of the respondent and…

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460 259 LexForti Legal News Network

Critical Analysis of Civil use of Drones in relation to the existing International Laws and Conventions and Guidelines

Ruchira Bali “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”- Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry Into the Limits of the Possible INTRODUCTION Since ages inventions have…

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network

Role of Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry

Rohan Gandhi Abstract Ever imagined a social life without clothing, footwear and accessories or without brands which manufacture these products. Will you be able to distinguish between two goods and…

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1200 675 LexForti Legal News Network