Fintech Law

Google vs. DRS Logistics: Case analysis

Case details: Google LLC v. DRS Logistics P. Ltd. & Ors., FAO (OS) (COMM) 2/2022 Coram: HMJ Vibhu Bakhru and HMJ Amit Mahajan Why appeal was preferred? Single Judge’s vide…

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1280 675 Rohit Pradhan
Fintech regulations in india

A Guide to Fintech Regulations in India

Investing in the growth of a country's fintech sector should also entail investing in appropriate regulations across entities in the sector. India's 

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1280 675 LEXFORTI
issues faced by game developers while dealing with game publisher

 Issues faced by Game Developers while dealing with Game Publishers

We asked industry leaders, about the issues that Game developers face while dealing with Game publishers. Here are the responses which we got:

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1280 675 Rohit Pradhan
How NFTs are valued

Expert Corner – How NFTs get their value?

In this article, we get to understand, How and Why NFTs get their value. Today’s post has been contributed by the lawyer  Stefan AteljevicBitcoinPlay.

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1280 675 Rohit Pradhan

Explained: Ombudsman Scheme for Digital Transactions

This article explains the ombudsman scheme for digital transactions along with all the relevant details. INTRODUCTION

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1280 675 Shristi Roongta