Supreme Court Judgement

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Whether an appeal filed against a decree of divorce after the period of limitation be used as a ground to declare the second marriage of either of the spouses as null and void

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 24th February 2020 Krishnaveni Rai vs Pankaj Rai and Anr, Criminal Appeal NO. 321 OF 2020 Matter In this case the…

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400 225 Falgu Mukati

Medical Professional are not allowed to be dragged into various criminal proceedings unless there is a negligence of high order

Aditi Reddy M | Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad | 24th February 2020 Anjana Agnihotri & Anr. v. The State of Haryana & Anr. FACTS OF THE CASE: The prosecution says that Santhosh Rani…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

Under section 31, an appeal to Supreme Court is maintainable with leave of Tribunal provided that the ground should be a point of law of general public importance

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 25th February 2020  Case: Ex. Lac Yogesh Pathania v. Union of India (Civil Appeal no. 14214 of 2016) Facts of the…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

A balance has been sought to be drawn between the interests of the service with situations involving requests by persons enrolled to take civilian employment.

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 25th February 2020  Case: Amit Kumar Roy v. Union of India (Civil Appeal no. 4605 – 4606 of 2019) Facts of…

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460 259 Ravi Shukre

The courts before entertaining the PIL should ensure that the PIL is aimed at redress of genuine public harm or public injury.

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 25th February 2020  Case: State of Uttranchal v. Balwant Singh Chaufal and Ors. (Civil appeal no. 1134 – 1135 of 2002)…

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460 259 Ravi Shukre

It cannot be considered to be a satisfactory reason for not giving effect to the said Government Resolution particularly when there is no mention of a stay being granted to the Government Resolution.

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 25th February 2020 Case: Uttam R. Patil v. The State of Maharashtra and Ors. (Writ Petition no. 4959 of 2017) Facts…

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460 259 Ravi Shukre

The State should act as a Model Litigant: SC

Ronita Biswas | National Law University, Orissa | 23rd February 2020 Popatrao Vyankatrao Patil v. The State of Maharashtra & Ors. (Civil Appeal No. 1600 of 2020) Matter The District…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

To hold that an order passed by a Court lacking jurisdiction is a nullity and is non-est order and where a Court lacked inherent jurisdiction parties cannot confer jurisdiction by consent.

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 25th February 2020  Case: Antikeros Shipping Corporation having its office at 80, Broad Street, Monrovia Liberia, C/o Eletson Corporation, 118 Koloktroni,…

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460 259 Ravi Shukre

Can a case of violence under Domestic Violence Act, 2005, be filed against female relatives of an adult male person?

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 23rd February 2020  Hiral P. Harsora and Ors vs Kusum Narottamdas Harsora and Ors, Civil Appeal NO.  10084 of 2016 Matter…

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560 315 Falgu Mukati

Does Parental Responsibility of a couple end with Divorce?

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 23rd February 2020  Soumitra Kumar Nahar vs Parul Nahar, Civil Appeal NO(S).1671 OF 2020 Matter  The present case is of a custody for children. This…

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560 315 Falgu Mukati

The satisfaction of the court for granting protection under Section 438 CrPC is different from the one under Section 439 CrPC while considering regular bail

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 14th February 2020  Satpal Singh v. State of Punjab   Facts of the Case:  Satpal Singh (in criminal appeal no. 462…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

Contractual employees are also eligible to receive the Social security benefits

Ronita Biswas | National Law University, Orissa | 18th February 2020 M/s. Pawan Hans Limited & Ors. v. Aviation Karamchari Sanghatana (Civil Appeal No. 353 of 2020) Facts The Company…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

Section 148 of the NI Act has retrospective application

Ronita Biswas | National Law University, Orissa | 18th February 2020 Surinder Singh Deswal @ Col. S.S. Deswal & Ors. v. Virendrer Gandhi & Anr. (Criminal Appeal- 1936-1963 of 2019)…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

Does the right to be considered for promotion under Article 16 of the Indian Constitution include the right for promotion?

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 18th February 2020 Brig. Nalin Kumar Bhatia vs Union of India and Ors, Civil Appeal No. 5751 of 2017 Matter   Nalin…

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560 315 Falgu Mukati

Accused cannot be convicted of Rape on the basis of the sole testimony of Prosecutrix unless her testimony “STERLING” Quality

Aditi Reddy M | Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad | 18th February 2020 Santhosh Prasad Vs State of Bihar Facts of the case: The prosecutrix had filed a complaint on her brother in law (who in…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

By Arbitrary decision, any innocent comment can just not be put in the ambit of Hate Speech and any hate speech cannot be given the shield of right to Speech and Expression

Vaishnavi Annasaheb Nirmal | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 14th February 2020 Shreya Singhal v. Union of India Facts: In the year 2012, Shiv Sena leader Bal Thakerey died.…

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560 315 Vaishnavi Nirmal

There can be no better proof than admission

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 14th February 2020  D. Sasikumar v. Soundarajan (Civil appeal no. 7546-47 of 2019) Facts of the case:  landlord contending to be…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

No new rights of promotion under Time Bound Promotion Scheme were conferred under memorandum of settlements

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 14th February 2020  The Institute of Charted Accountants of India v. J. R. William Singh (Civil Appeal no. 200 of 2020) …

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

Delay in informing the insurance company would not debar the insured from getting the insurance claim

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 14th February 2020  Gurshinder Singh v. Sriram Genaral Insurance Co. Ltd. (Civil appeal no. 653/2020) Facts of the case: This case…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

Facets of privacy are to be classified into:- Non-interference with the individual’s body, Protection of personal information and Autonomy over personal choices

Vaishnavi Annasaheb Nirmal | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 14th February 2020 Justice K. S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) and Anr. Vs. Union of India(WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 494 OF 2012)…

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560 315 Vaishnavi Nirmal

Application by Banks for sale of Vehicle in Recovery Suit shall be disposed of within 60 days

Ronita Biswas | National Law University, Orissa | 14th February 2020 M/s ICICI Bank Ltd.v. Priya Baveja [CM APPL. 980/2020 (exemption )] Facts The Petitioner challenged the order of the…

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400 225 LexForti Legal News Network

In the recruitment process, upon inability to qualify for the process ahead, can such procedure be challenged later on in the Court?

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 10th February 2020 Nitish Kumar Pandey vs State of Madhya Pradesh and Ors, Civil Appeal NO. 1215 OF 2020 Matter  The matter relates to…

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560 315 Falgu Mukati

Counterclaim under Order VIII, Rule 6A of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 cannot be filed after framing of Issues in the Suit

Harshit Sharma | Amity Law School, Madhya Pradesh | 14th February 2020 ASHOK KUMAR KALRA V/s. WING CDR SURENDRA AGNIHOTRI SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (CIVIL) No(s). 23599/2018 FACTS OF THE CASE…

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560 315 Hshits1997

Production of the account books/cash book not relevant in the criminal case filed under Section 138 of NI Act

Harshit Sharma | Amity Law School, Madhya Pradesh | 8th February 2020 D.K. Chandel V/s. M/S. Wockhardt Ltd. & Anr. CRIMINAL APPEAL NO(S). 132 OF 2020 FACTS OF THE CASE This…

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400 225 Hshits1997

A democratic society is one that embraces tolerance, diversity and acceptance with open mindedness

Vaishnavi Annasaheb Nirmal | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 8th February 2020 Naz Foundation v. Govt. of NCT of Delhi & Others(WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 7455 OF 2001) Facts:…

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560 315 Vaishnavi Nirmal