Supreme Court Judgement

Writ of Habeas Corpus cannot be invoked for the premature release of Convicted Prisoners

HOME SECRETARY (PRISON) vs. H. NILOFER NISHA Cri. Appeal 144-148 OF 2020 Facts – The Governor of Tamil Nadu, exercising powers under Article 161 of the Constitution, got a government order…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

The examination-in-chief is to be permitted in the form of affidavit for recording of evidence

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 27th January 2020 Ameer Trading Corporation Ltd. V. Shapoorji Data Processing Ltd. (AIR 2004 SC 355) Facts of the Case: Interpretation…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

A right of appeal under the Code is statutory

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 27th January 2020 Kamala Devi v. Khushal Kanwar (AIR 2007 SC 663) Facts of the Case: The father of Appellant indisputably…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

Judge shall invariable ask the parties if they can resolve the dispute by themselves before the trial

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 27th January 2020 Salem Advocates Bar Association, Tamil Nadu v. Union of India (AIR 2003 SC 189) Facts of the Case: …

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

Investigation in IPC Offences Cannot Be Quashed For Non Investigation of SC-ST Offences

Shubhani Mittal | Vivekananda Global University | 27th January 2020 State of Madhya Pradesh vs. Babbu Rathore Cri. Appeal 123 of 2020  Facts- In this case, the deceased Baiskahku in a…

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560 315 Shubhani

When there is composite sentence of imprisonment and fine, appeal is not abated on death of accused

Shubhani Mittal | Vivekananda Global University | 27th January 2020 RAMESAN (DEAD) THROUGH LR. GIRIJA A vs. STATE OF KERALA CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 77 of 2020 Facts – In this case,…

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560 315 Shubhani

Even if not received an appointment letter, but worked in organisation, then also you are entitled for retirement benefits

Sarthak Khandelwal | Kirit P. Mehta School Of Law, NMIMS University, Mumbai | 20th January 2020 THE STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH AND OTHERS V. ALI HUSSAIN ANSARI AND ANOTHERCIVIL APPEAL…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

It is on the Municipal Bodies, how to fill up the vacant posts either by direct recruitment or promotion

Sarthak Khandelwal | Kirit P. Mehta School Of Law, NMIMS University, Mumbai | 20th January 2020 MOHD. RASHID V. THE DIRECTOR, LOCAL BODIES, NEW SECRETARIAT & ORS Facts of Case: An…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

Even though not appointed for the post but works on the order of the court, the person will get all the benefits

Sarthak Khandelwal | Kirit P. Mehta School Of Law, NMIMS University, Mumbai | 21st January 2020 Shamsher Singh Sandhu V. Union of India and Others Civil Appeal No. 266 of 2020…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

Parent who is denied custody of the child shall have right to talk to him or her every day

Harshit Sharma | Amity Law School, Madhya Pradesh | 22nd January 2020 Yashita Sahu V/s. State of Rajasthan & Ors. Criminal Appeal No. 127/2020 FACTS OF THE CASE The present petitioner was…

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560 315 Hshits1997

Investigation made by a competent Police officer in accordance with the provisions of Law cannot be quashed

Ronita Biswas | National Law University, Orissa | 22nd January 2020 State of Madhya Pradesh v. Babbu Rathore & Anr. (Criminal Appeal No. 123 of 2020)  Facts The deceased Baisakhu,…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

Charges can be altered even after reserving of the judgement

Shubhani Mittal | Vivekananda Global University | 24th January 2020 Dr Nallapareddy Sridhar Reddy vs. State of Andhra Pradesh  Criminal Appeal No. 1934 of 2019 FACTS – In this case…

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560 315 Shubhani

No bar on reservation for Persons with Disability (PWDs) in Promotions

Harshit Sharma | Amity Law School, Madhya Pradesh | 24th January 2020 Siddaraju V/s. State of Karnataka & Ors. Civil Appeal No. 1567/2017 FACTS OF THE CASE This appeal came as…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

While allowing the Amendment of Pleadings after the commencement of the trial, the Civil Judge shall record the reasons for allowing or disallowing

Harshit Sharma | Amity Law School, Madhya Pradesh | 20th January 2020 Pandit Malhari Mahale V/s. Monika Pandit Mahale & Ors. Civil Appeal No. 189/2020 FACTS OF THE CASE A…

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560 315 Hshits1997

Long continuous possession by itself cannot be termed as adverse possession

Shri Uttam Chand vs Nathu Ram Civil Appeal No. 190 of 2020 Facts- In this present case, the plaintiff filed a suit for possession on the basis of purchase of suit property…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

Once the norms and standards are laid down by any executive authority he cannot go back from the standards established

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 20th January 2020 Ramanna Dayaram Shetty V. The International Airport Authority (AIR 1979 SC 1628) Facts of the case:  The International…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

To be enforceable by mandamus a public duty does not necessarily have to be one imposed by statute

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 20th January 2020 Anandi Mukta Sadguru Shree Mukta Jeevandasswami Suvarna Jaya v. V.R. Rudani & Ors Facts of the case: The…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

Criminal justice should not be made a casualty for the wrongs committed by the investigating officers in the case

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 20th January 2020  V. K. Mishra and Anr. V. State of Uttarakhand Facts of the Case:  Deceased-Archana was given in marriage…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

Neither the Central Information Commission nor the State Information Commission is empowered to appoint a committee for conducting an inquiry for and on its behalf

Harshit Sharma | Amity Law School, Madhya Pradesh | 20th January 2020 Central Public Information Officer & Anr.  V/s. Central Information Commission & Anr.  Writ Petition No. 7542/2017 FACTS OF…

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400 225 Hshits1997

Court’s failing to use the power for advancement of justice can also lead to grave injustice

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 20th January 2020  Preeti Gupta and Anr. V. State of Jharkhand, (Criminal appeal no. 1512 of 2010)  Facts of the Case: …

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

DNA Test Of Accused Should Not Be Ordered Without Appropriate Requirement

Shubhani Mittal | Vivekananda Global University | 20th January 2020 Kathi David Raju versus the state of Andhra Pradesh & Anr CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1186 OF 2019 Facts – The…

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560 315 Shubhani


Ronita Biswas | National Law University, Orissa | 20th January 2020 Ambalal Sarabhai Enterprise v. KS Infraspace LLP Limited & Anr. (Civil Appeal No. 9346 of 2019) Facts The appeal…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network

Suffering 100% burn injuries will not make a person incapable of making Dying Declaration

Shubhani Mittal | Vivekananda Global University | 14th January 2020 PURSHOTTAM CHOPRA V. STATE Facts- On hearing screams of Sher Singh and noticing smoke from a building, lot of people…

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560 315 Shubhani

Violation of law by itself, without anything more, cannot lead to a finding of contributory negligence, unless it is established that he contributed either to the accident or to the impact of the accident upon the victim

Harshit Sharma | Amity Law School, Madhya Pradesh | 15th January 2020 MOHAMMED SIDDIQUE & ANR. V/s. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. & ORS. CIVIL APPEAL No.79 OF 2020 FACTS OF…

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560 315 Hshits1997

Right to Property remains a Human Right in a welfare State and a Constitutional Right under Article. 300A of the Constitution: SC

Ronita Biswas | National Law University, Orissa | 15th January 2020 Vidya Devi v. The State of Himachal Pradesh & Ors. (Civil Appeal Nos. 60-61 of 2020 arising out of…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network
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