This article is about the Legal Notice Format. Before sending the legal notice, the legal notice format should be understood. Here, we have compiled the list of 10 legal notices.
What is a Legal Notice?
Legal Notice is an important instrument as, without it, you can’t take the legal action. It is a way to warn the opponent that, you are going to take legal action against them if they don’t fulfil your demand.
Why is it important to file the Legal Notice?
- It gives prior notice to the opponent.
- It is a Legal Requirement.
- Increases the efficiency of the litigation process.
Essential features for the Format of Legal Notice
- Keep it concise and provide only the material fact;
- State the relief you want to get;
- State the legal basis for which you are wanting the relief.
10 Types of Legal Notices
Legal Notice Format: Vacating the property given on the lease (Tenant Eviction)
Ref. No……………. Dated ____, __________
Dear Sir/Madam,
Pursuant to the instructions from and on behalf of my client ___________________, resident of _________________ I do hereby serve you with the following Legal Notice: –
- That the lease deed dated ……………………. made between my client of the ONE PART and you on the OTHER PART in respect of premises No. ………………………………….. (hereinafter referred to as demised premises).
- That the lease deed has expired by efflux of time on the ………….. day of ……………, 202_.
I hereby call upon you to quit, vacate and deliver quiet and peaceful possession of the demised premises on or before the ………………….. day of …………………., 202_, failing which my client will file a suit against you for recovery of possession of the demised premises and for damages, which may be sustained by her by reason of your willfully retaining possession thereof and for breach by you of the covenants contained in the lease deed.
A copy of this Notice is kept in my office for record and further necessary action and you are also advised to keep the copy safe as you would be asked to produce in the court.
Legal Notice Format: Filed by Purchaser for specific performance of Contract
Ref. No……………. Dated ____, __________
Dear Sir/Madam,
Pursuant to the instructions from and on behalf of my client ___________________, resident of _________________ I do hereby serve you with the following Legal Notice: –
- That for the House No. _____, situated at _______, you had agreed to sell it to me vide an Agreement of sale.
- That the agreement of sale was dated ________.
- That the said agreement for sale was executed between me of the ONE PART and you of the OTHER PART.
- That as per the clause ____ of the said Agreement for sale, the Deed of Conveyance, is to be completed within …………………. months from the date of said Agreement.
I hereby give you notice that I the undersigned …………………. was and am still ready and willing to complete the purchase, subject to your performing your part of the said agreement and I require you to complete the same and if you fail to complete the same within ……………… days from the date hereof, I shall file a suit against you for specific performance of the said agreement for sale with damages and costs.
A copy of this Notice is kept in my office for record and further necessary action and you are also advised to keep the copy safe as you would be asked to produce in the court.
Legal Notice Format: Filed by Vendor for payment of immovable property
Ref. No……………. Dated ____, __________
Dear Sir/Madam,
Pursuant to the instructions from and on behalf of my client ___________________, resident of _________________ I do hereby serve you with the following Legal Notice: –
- That my client had entered into an agreement of sale dated _____ with you.
- That the sale agreement was for the selling of house no. ____, situated at _________ for a consideration of Rs. ____.
- That according to the clause ___ of the agreement, the said transaction is to be completed within ____ months from the date of said agreement.
- That my client was and is still willing and ready to execute a sale deed in your favour or in favour of any person as you may direct in accordance with the terms of the said agreement, but it couldn’t be done because of the default of the payment.
I hereby call upon you to have the deed of conveyance executed by my client against payment of the balance of the consideration money on or before the ………… day of ………………….. in terms of the said agreement, failing which the said agreement will stand cancelled and the earnest money paid by you will stand forfeited. However, this is without prejudice to the rights of my client to recover all costs, damages, losses and expenses incurred by him by reason of your default in performing the said agreement.
A copy of this Notice is kept in my office for record and further necessary action and you are also advised to keep the copy safe as you would be asked to produce in the court.
Legal Notice Format: Notice of Assignment by Assignee
Dated ____, __________
Dear Sir/Madam,
I, the undersigned, A hereby give you notice
- That Shri ________ has assigned the debt due by you from you with the interest accrued and hereafter to accrue thereon, under the bond _______ executed by you.
- That the bond was executed by you in favour of Shri ________.
- That Shri __________ has refused to sign the notice of assignment.
Yours Faithfully,
Legal Notice Format: For suit against Government u/s 80 of CPC
Ref. No……………. Dated ____, __________
SUB.: Notice under Section 80, Code of Civil Procedure.
The Secretary to the Govt. of …………………… ………………….. Deptt., …………………..
Under instructions from my client Shri ………………….. resident of …………………… I hereby give you the legal notice
That my client Shri ………………….. shall file a civil suit against the Government in the court of competent jurisdiction after the expiry of two months from the date of service of this notice for the cause of action and reliefs mentioned in the draft plaint enclosed herewith, which may be treated as part of this notice.
Yours faithfully,
Advocate Enclosure: Plaint
Legal Notice Format: For the construction by neighbour which is invading my privacy
Ref. No……………. Dated ____, __________
Dear Sir/Madam,
Pursuant to the instructions from and on behalf of my client ___________________, resident of _________________ I do hereby serve you with the following Legal Notice: –
That you are constructing a strucute at your land adjacent to my house, which is interfering with my client’s privacy.
That you should stop the construction at the immediate effect.
Kindly note that if you fail to comply with my request, I shall be constrained to initiate legal proceedings against you at your risk, as to costs and consequences.
A copy of this Notice is kept in my office for record and further necessary action and you are also advised to keep the copy safe as you would be asked to produce in the court.
Legal Notice Format: To company for non-payment of salary and other interest and allowances
Ref. No……………. Dated ____, __________
XYZ. Company Private Limited
Through its Managing Director
Pursuant to the instructions from and on behalf of my client ___________________, resident of _________________ I do hereby serve you with the following Legal Notice: –
- That my client ______ was appointed by your offer letter dated _______ and the salary of my client ______ was fixed at Rs.______ per month.
- That the offer letter dated _____, stated the joining date as ______ which my client ______ duly followed.
- That my client did her duty diligently, regularly and with utmost punctuality and sincerity, and with full devotion in accordance with the well-settled provisions of the law. You issued the offer letter in the name of my client and got printed the visiting cards also in the name of my client along with the Identity Card.
- That on _________, when my client went to attend her duty; then your office abruptly refused to allow to my client to attend her duty and told that services of my client are no more required by your office and thus the services of my client have been terminated by you in a most illegal and unlawful manner without any reasonable rhyme and cause. At the time of termination of the services of my client, you did not pay the salary for the month of ___and __ days salary for the month of _________ which comes to Rs. ______/- to my said client.
- That my client visited your office from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from time to time and spent a huge amount of Rs. ____/- on the charges of travelling but you refused to pay and also the amount of Rs. ______- my client spent while doing fieldwork for your company. Lastly ____th Month, year you clearly refused to pay the salary amount of Rs. _____/- to my client along with travelling charges and amount spend on fieldwork.
- That you did not provide me statutory benefits i.e. Providential Fund. etc. You also did not pay the of bonus and other service benefits which totally comes to Rs. _____/-
I, therefore, call upon you through this Notice, to make the payment of the Rs. ______/- to my client along with interest up to date, under intimation to me, within the period of 15 days, failing which my client has given clear instructions to me to file criminal as well as the civil suit and Suit for Recovery in the competent court of law and in that event you will be fully responsible for all costs, risks, responsibilities, expenses and consequences thereof. Please note well.
A copy of this Notice is kept in my office for record and further necessary action and you are also advised to keep the copy safe as you would be asked to produce it in court.
Legal Notice Format: Legal notice under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument Act for the honour of cheque
Ref. No……………. Dated ____, __________
Dear Sir/Madam,
Under the instruction and authority from my client Mr. A( here referred to as my ‘client’), I do hereby serve upon you the following notice of demand under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881:
- That my client knows you, from the last ___ years and on that account you had gained the faith and confidence of my client, that you demanded a friendly loan of Rs.________ from my client in the month of ___. My client provided you with the said amount.
- That earlier, you issued a cheque dated __th _________ for Rs. ________ drawn on ******, in order to discharge your partial liability. At the time of issuing the cheque, you assured my client that the same is good for value and will be honoured as and when presented.
- That when the aforesaid cheque was presented, for encashment by my client to his banker the same was returned unpaid by the banker with the reason that there was “Insufficient Fund”. My client informed you about it through the telephone/Email.
- Despite various reminders, you failed to make payment to my client. You tried to avoid the matter and started to ignore my client. Since my client is left with no other option but to present you with the legal notice.
- That you have failed to comply with the provisions of the law and also failed to discharge your liability from your account and the same cheque was dishonoured intentionally and willfully.
- That, either you discharge your liability towards my client in next 15 days or criminal and civil charges will be framed against you, and you can be punished for imprisonment which may extend to two years, or with fine which may extend to twice the amount of the cheque, or with both.
A copy of this Notice is kept in my office for record and further necessary action and you are also advised to keep the copy safe as you would be asked to produce in the court.
Legal Notice Format: Legal Notice for the forfeiture of the mortgaged property
Ref. No……………. Dated ____, __________
Dear Sir/Madam,
Under instructions from my client Shri X, I have to call upon you to pay the principal amount together with interest due on the deed of mortgage dated the ………………….. day of ………………….., 2000, made between yourself of the ONE PART and the said X of the OTHER PART, which has become due and repayable to the said X on the ………………….. day of …………………., 2000, failing which, I have the instructions to file a suit against you for foreclosure of the mortgaged property.
Yours faithfully,
Legal Notice Format: Notice Of Dissolution Of Partnership
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned and A, etc. and B, etc. carrying on the business of ………………………………… at ……………. under the name and style of M/s …………. is dissolved by mutual consent as from the ……………. day of ………….,2000.
Illustrative structure of a Legal Notice

This is truly helpful in many ways. Can use the readily available scripts for further use.
Good post!