

Social and religious outlook of the Hindu community has undergone a fundamental change as a result of the message of social equality

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 3rd March 2020  Sastri Yagnyapurushadji and Ors. v. Muldas Brudardas Vaishya and Anr. Facts of the case:  The appellants, who are…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre
All the love from James

Once possession of the vehicle is handed to the hotel staff or valet, there is an implied contractual obligation to return the vehicle in a safe condition

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 3rd March 2020  Taj Mahal Hotel v. United India Insurance Co. Ltd. and Ors. (Civil Appeal no. 8611 of 2019) Facts…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

Articles 25 and 26 vest the right to exhibit a person’s belief in his conduct by such outward acts as may appear to him proper in order to spread his ideas for the benefit of others

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 3rd March 2020  The Durgah Committee, Ajmer and Anr. V. Syed Hussain Ali and Anr. Facts of the case:  Khwaja Saheb…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

The circumstances should be of conclusive nature and they should be such as to exclude every hypothesis but the one proposed to be proved

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 3rd March 2020   Kalu @ Laxminarayan v. State of Madhya Pradesh (Criminal Appeal no. 1677 of 2010) Facts of the case:…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

Reasonable discrimination between female and male for an object sought to be achieved is permissible because important limb of this concept of gender equality is creating job opportunities for women

Vaishnavi Nirmal  | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 2nd March 2020  Vijay Lakshmi vs. Punjab University and others, 2003 Appeal (Civil) 13393 of 1996 Fact of case: Preference given to…

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460 259 Vaishnavi Nirmal

One of the hallmarks of the law is certainty, predictability and stability unless the ground reality has completely changed

Vaishnavi Nirmal  | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 2nd March 2020  Gujarat vs. Mirzapur Moti Kureshi Kassab Jamat, 2005 Fact of case: By the Bombay Animal Preservation (Gujarat Amendment) Act…

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560 315 Vaishnavi Nirmal

Right to choose life partner is a fundamental right

Vaishnavi Nirmal  | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 26th February 2020 Shakti Vahini vs. Union of India & Others Fact of case: The Petitioner Shakti Vahini Organization was authorized for…

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560 315 Vaishnavi Nirmal

Is it necessary that the dying declaration recorded is always true?

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 27th February 2020 Sanjay Baburao Randive vs The State of Maharashtra, Criminal Appeal NO.697 OF 1997  Matter  In this case the…

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400 225 Falgu Mukati

Can a mere threat to take action be used as a ground for convicting a person for attempt to murder?

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 27th February 2020 The State of Maharashtra vs Ajit Sing Sitaram Desai, Criminal Appeal NO.544 OF 2000 Matter  Dr Shetti (Victim/Informant)…

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400 225 Falgu Mukati

Sexual intercourse with a wife below 18 years is a Criminal offence

Vaishnavi Nirmal  | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 26th February 2020  Independent Thought vs. Union of India Fact of case: The petitioner is a National Human Rights organization registered in 2009 and…

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560 315 Vaishnavi Nirmal

Can extra-judicial confessions alone be used as an evidence in grievous crime such as murder?

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 26th February 2020 Mohammad Ismail Noormohammad Madana vs The State of Maharashtra, Criminal Appeal NO.659 OF 2012 Matter In this case…

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400 225 Falgu Mukati

Can the mere fact that a person has threatened to take strict action against another person be used as a ground for convicting a person for attempt to murder?

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 25th February 2020 The State of Maharashtra vs Ajit Sing Sitaram Desai, Criminal Appeal NO.544 OF 2000 Matter Dr Shetti (Victim/Informant)…

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400 225 Falgu Mukati

Can the mere fact that a woman committed suicide within seven years of marriage be used as a ground for punishing the accused for the offence of abetment of suicide?

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 25th February 2020 State of Maharashtra vs Dr. Umakant Laxman Biraris, Criminal Appeal NO.95 OF 2004   Matter This is a…

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400 225 Falgu Mukati

To hold that an order passed by a Court lacking jurisdiction is a nullity and is non-est order and where a Court lacked inherent jurisdiction parties cannot confer jurisdiction by consent.

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 25th February 2020  Case: Antikeros Shipping Corporation having its office at 80, Broad Street, Monrovia Liberia, C/o Eletson Corporation, 118 Koloktroni,…

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460 259 Ravi Shukre

It cannot be considered to be a satisfactory reason for not giving effect to the said Government Resolution particularly when there is no mention of a stay being granted to the Government Resolution.

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 25th February 2020 Case: Uttam R. Patil v. The State of Maharashtra and Ors. (Writ Petition no. 4959 of 2017) Facts…

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460 259 Ravi Shukre

The courts before entertaining the PIL should ensure that the PIL is aimed at redress of genuine public harm or public injury.

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 25th February 2020  Case: State of Uttranchal v. Balwant Singh Chaufal and Ors. (Civil appeal no. 1134 – 1135 of 2002)…

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460 259 Ravi Shukre

A balance has been sought to be drawn between the interests of the service with situations involving requests by persons enrolled to take civilian employment.

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 25th February 2020  Case: Amit Kumar Roy v. Union of India (Civil Appeal no. 4605 – 4606 of 2019) Facts of…

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460 259 Ravi Shukre

Under section 31, an appeal to Supreme Court is maintainable with leave of Tribunal provided that the ground should be a point of law of general public importance

Ravikiran Shukre | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 25th February 2020  Case: Ex. Lac Yogesh Pathania v. Union of India (Civil Appeal no. 14214 of 2016) Facts of the…

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560 315 Ravi Shukre

Medical Professional are not allowed to be dragged into various criminal proceedings unless there is a negligence of high order

Aditi Reddy M | Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad | 24th February 2020 Anjana Agnihotri & Anr. v. The State of Haryana & Anr. FACTS OF THE CASE: The prosecution says that Santhosh Rani…

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560 315 LexForti Legal News Network
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Whether an appeal filed against a decree of divorce after the period of limitation be used as a ground to declare the second marriage of either of the spouses as null and void

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 24th February 2020 Krishnaveni Rai vs Pankaj Rai and Anr, Criminal Appeal NO. 321 OF 2020 Matter In this case the…

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400 225 Falgu Mukati
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Can Section 362 of the Code of Criminal Procedure be altered under exceptional circumstances?

Falgu Mukati | Pravin Gandhi College of Law | 24th February 2020 Sanjeev Kapoor vs Chandana Kapoor and Ors, Criminal Appeal NOS.286 OF 2020 Matter In this case the couple…

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400 225 Falgu Mukati
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The demon of ragging haunted the juniors and resulted in death of an innocent fresher student.

Vaishnavi Nirmal  | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 24th February 2020 UNIVERSITY OF KERALA Vs COUNCIL, PRINCIPALS' COLLEGES, KERALA &ORS., Fact of case: A Delhi Public School student who had taken admission…

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400 225 Vaishnavi Nirmal
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The human rights of a daughter, brother, sister or son are not mortgaged to the so called honour of the family or the clan.

Vaishnavi Nirmal  | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 24th February 2020 State of U.P. v/s Krishna Master & Others., (Criminal Appeal No. 1180 of 2004) Fact of case: The incident in question…

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400 225 Vaishnavi Nirmal
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The State cannot insist on private educational institutions which receive no aid from the State to implement State’s policy on reservation for granting admission on any criterion except merit.

Vaishnavi Nirmal  | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 24th February 2020 P.A. Inamdar & Others v/s State of Maharashtra & Others., Case no.: Appeal (civil) 5041 of 2005 Fact of case: In…

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400 225 Vaishnavi Nirmal

Marriage resulting from religious conversion to Islam for taking a second wife is void when his first marriage is still in existence under the Hindu Marriage Act.

Vaishnavi Nirmal  | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad | 24th February 2020 Lily Thomas vs. Union of India & Others., AIR 2000 SC 1650 Fact of case: Lily Thomas is the…

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460 259 Vaishnavi Nirmal