Journalist Mandeep Punia, detained from the Singhu Border sent to 14–day Judicial Custody.

mandeep punia

Journalist Mandeep Punia, detained from the Singhu Border sent to 14–day Judicial Custody.

Journalist Mandeep Punia, Detained from the Singhu Border sent to 14 – Day Judicial Custody. 

Mandeep Punia, a freelance journalist, often a contributor to the Caravan Magazine, who was on the 30th of January detained from the Singhu Border for alleged misbehavior with an on-duty official, was presented to the Metropolitan Magistrate of Court Number 2 and has been sentenced to a 14 – day Judicial Custody.

Journalist Dharmender Singh from the Online News India was also picked by the officials along with Mandeep Punia and was later realized on showing his ID card.

Currently, Punia has been charged under for Obstructing Public servant in discharge of public functions (Section 186), Voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty (Section 332) and assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty (Section 353) r/w Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code.

According to the reports of the Indian Express, an Unidentified officer also had stated that “Punia was standing with the protesters and he didn’t have a press ID card, he was trying to move through the barricades which were kept to segregate and secure the area. An altercation broke out between police personnel and him. He misbehaved…there was some manhandling as well. He was then detained”

On the 1st of February at the Rohini Courts, the bail plea shall be heard.  

1280 675 Pranjal Sharma

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Pranjal Sharma

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