Supreme Court issues an Order prescribing fixed timelines for listing the Death penalty in cases of Criminal Appeals

Supreme Court issues an Order prescribing fixed timelines for listing the Death penalty in cases of Criminal Appeals

Aditi Reddy M | Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad | 24th February 2020 

An office order which lays down the timelines and guidelines for the listing of the Criminal Appeals involving DEATH PENALTY was released by the Supreme Court on the 12th February, 2020.

  1. In the matter relating to the Death Penalty which have been confirmed or upheld by the High Court and Supreme Court had granted leave that the appeal shall be listen not later than six months before the Three Judge Bench from the date of the grant of leave and whether the fact that the appeal is ready or not is completely immaterial.
  2. As soon as Special Leave Petition which involves a death penalty is filed, the concerned Registry is required to expeditious intimation to the lower court from which it has been appealed, so that the original record along with the Certificate of Service may be dispatched to the Supreme Court with a period of 60 days or any other further period which has been fixed by the court. In case there are any documents in the vernacular language, such documents are also to be filed along with the SLP.
  3. After the leave has bee22n granted by the court the registry must insist the parties to file the additional documents within a period of thirty days after such a receipt o the intimidation from the Registry in this regard.
  4. If in case the parties do not file the records or the additional documents then the matter may be listed in the Chambers of the Judger with necessary office reports with directions, instead of f practicing the present method of listing the such matters in front of the Registrar’s Court.

The Supreme court had made a clear statement saying the aforesaid rules have to be followed by all the branches dealing with the Criminal Matters and the Listing branches.

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